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Branching node types

Branch On Area Code
This node type allows branching based on an area-code group. Country codes or area codes may be organised into groups, which may be used to route the call to the correct part of the call flow. A best-match scheme for routing based on the CLI of the originating number is used.

Branch On Number List
This node type allows branching based on a list of destination number prefixes, enabling specific outbound numbers to be blacklisted (blocked) or whitelisted (allowed).

Branch On Time Range
This node type allows branching based on a time-range value. Calls may be routed based on the time of day and the day of the week, allowing different routing behaviour inside and outside of business hours.

Branch On Time Ranges
This node type allows branching based on a time-range value. Calls may be routed based on the time of day and the day of the week or date in the month, allowing different routing behaviour inside and outside of business hours.