If an administrator needs to create a number list with lots of numbers this can be done by importing a number list. It’s possible to create a Comma-Separated Value (CSV) file containing the number list information and import it to Contact.
Configuring the CSV File #
When configuring the CSV file there should be 3 columns:
- Name: Enter the mandatory name of the number list
- Description: Write a short description for the number list if required
- Number list: Enter the numbers to include in the list, separated with a comma
- Every number that needs to be added should be listed in the same cell
Note: To import multiple number lists at a time enter the required details in the next available row. |
Import number lists #
- In the menu bar click Call Handling > Number Lists to see a list of available number lists
- Click Import
- Select and open the relevant CSV file
- The new number list will be created and the numbers imported
Download Import Template #
- In the menu bar click Call Handling > Number Lists to see a list of available number lists
- Click Download Import Template
- Open the CSV file and enter the data for the number lists in the appropriate fields
- Save the file
- Import the CVS file to Contact (see above)