Company administrators can specify which events are sent to which offline reporting destination.
An offline reporting destination is a remote host server that is external to the Contact system and to which key events can be exported. Each offline reporting destination is defined either at the system level by the platform owner or by a licensed reseller and assigned to a company.
Multiple offline reporting destinations can be defined, meaning that different companies can send data to different destinations and/or a single company can send data to more than one location. The company can then use the BI tool of their choice either to enable customers to access their event data or to create reports themselves as a service and distribute these to customers.
The level of access that you have to the offline reporting systems determines what your company can do with it:
- Offline Reporting Channels: View only privilege – your company can use offline reporting but you (the company administrator) cannot specify which events are sent to which destination
- Offline Reporting Channels: Modify privilege – your company can use offline reporting and you can specify which events are sent to which destination.
Company administrators must have the Offline Reporting Channels: Modify privilege to manage offline reporting.
Add an offline reporting destination #
- Click System > Offline Reporting on the menu bar and a list of the offline-reporting channel configurations that are already set up is displayed.
- (Mandatory.) Enter the Name of the offline-reporting channel configuration (up to 100 characters)
- Enter a brief Description for the offline-reporting channel configuration (up to 250 characters)
- For Reporting Destination, select the URL at the remote host server to which events are sent.
- For Channel Availability, select the event type(s) that are sent to the offline reporting destination
- Please see the Definitions below for a list of channel event types that can be selected
- Note: Multiple channel event types can be selected for each destination. You can add multiple offline-reporting channel configurations, each with a different (or the same) offline reporting destination. If the same channel is selected in multiple configurations for the same destination, only a single event will be sent to the destination.
- Note: Occasionally, a duplicated event may be sent to the same destination. For example, two events on the same channel may have the same timestamp. It is the responsibility of the offline reporting destination to filter out any duplicates.
- Click Save changes
- The offline reporting destination will be configured
Delete a destination #
- Click System > Offline Reporting
- Select the appropriate entry in the list
- Click Delete
- Click Yes to confirm
- The destination will be deleted
Definitions #
- Name: The name of the offline reporting destination.
- Description: A brief description of the offline reporting destination.
- URL of host to receive events: The URL address on the remote host server to which the events are exported. The URL address must be in the format: https://hostname. For example: https://localhost:3612/example.
- Note: The data transmitted to this URL address may contain General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) sensitive information. As the reporting destination provider, you are responsible for taking any necessary precautions.
- Allow non-secure URL: Whether or not a non-secure URL address (HTTP rather than HTTPS) is allowed to receive event transmissions.
- Channel Support Levels: The event type(s) that may be sent to the offline reporting destination and the API version for each data stream.
- A “channel” is an individual index within an offline reporting destination for a specific company. The following channel event types can be selected:
- Agent calls
- Agent chats
- Agent emails
- Agent SMS
- Agent status
- Contact calls
- Contact chats
- Contact emails
- Contact SMS
- Missed calls
- Queue calls
- Queue chats
- Queue emails
- The version of a channel indicates which fields are supported for an event. Only these fields are sent to the offline reporting destination. To view a list of the fields associated with a channel and the version at which they were introduced, for the appropriate channel, click the question (?) icon.
- Note: Not every event will include all of the fields shown in the help list; they may not be present in the original event as stored in the reports database.
- Note: Multiple channel event types can be selected for a company. The selected version does not have to be the same for each channel.
- A “channel” is an individual index within an offline reporting destination for a specific company. The following channel event types can be selected:
- Assigned Companies: The companies that may use the offline reporting destination.
- Pause event transmission: Whether or not event transmission is paused, for example, while upgrades are performed on the remote host server.
- Note: It may take a minute for this control to take effect.