Introduction #
One of the features of Contact is webchat queueing. When a webchat request arrives at the Contact, it is placed in a chat queue and an agent is selected from a user group that is assigned to the queue. Agents with the required skill can take individual chats from the inbound queue(s) and respond to them through their web interface.
Roles #
Roles can also be assigned to user logins. Each role can have a Chat Queue Configuration privilege associated with it that permits or prohibits access to the list of chat queues used by the Contact.
Define queue behaviour #
To manage webchat queues, click Chat > Chat Queues on the menu bar and a list of the chat queues that are currently defined is displayed. From here you can:
- Create and manage a webchat queue
- Edit or delete a webchat queue
- Copy a webchat queue
- Assign agent groups and classifications to a chat queue
- Assign agent assets such as text blocks and agent scripts to a chat queue
- Configure queue recording
- Define queue KPIs
- Configure advanced settings for a queue
- Define when announcements showing either a caller’s position in a queue or their estimated wait time in the queue, are displayed
Note: The configuration pages that contain mandatory parameters are denoted by an asterisk (*) on the tab. |
Actions for supervisors and agents #
Company supervisors can do the following through their web portal:
- View and track key-performance statistics for each chat queue
- View the status of each chat queue (number of chats waiting, average wait time, and so on)
- Manage long chat queues by overflowing chats into another chat queue.
Company agents can do the following through their web portal:
- View information such as the queue that a chat is meant for and the length of time the chat spent in the queue
- View the current chat queues that they serve and the current chat activity
- View the status of other agents and chat queues (if enabled by the company administrator)
- Take a chat request from a queue
- Return an allocated chat to a queue or assign it to another agent in one of their user groups, and remove it from their inbox (if permitted to do so)
- Assign themselves to or deassign themselves from specific channels and/or queues (if configured to do so by a company administrator).
If an agent is not available for a channel/queue because their availability has been changed (either by themselves or by a supervisor), but they are able to handle items for that channel/queue (are configured to do so by a company administrator), they will not be automatically allocated items from that channel/queue. However, they can still pick up an item from the channel queue(s), if required.