This page describes the fields that are generated for a contact call event.
Event | Description |
uid | A user identifier for the caller, such as the contact’s account number. |
callUuid | A call identifier. |
callType | Inbound or outbound. |
customerUri | The caller’s phone number. If the caller witheld their number (cliRestricted = true), this is excluded. |
userProvidedCli | The caller’s CLI. If the caller witheld their number (cliRestricted = true), this is excluded. |
cliRestricted | Whether or not the caller withheld their CLI.If the caller witheld their CLI, cliRestricted = true. If the caller did not withold their CLI, cliRestricted = false. |
cliRestrictedEnum | If the caller withheld their CLI, either a number of digits may be missing from the end of the calling number or shown as asterisks, or the number is shown as “Anonymous”.If the Mask user CLI numbers in agent statistics feature has been set for your company by an administrator, the last three digits of all calling numbers are shown as asterisks. |
serviceNumber | The service number that was called. |
serviceNumberName | The name of the service that was called. |
organisationId | The internal number that is used to identify the company that was called. |
companyName | The name of the company that was called. |
callStartTimestamp | The time that the call was connected.Note: This is not the same as the time that the call was answered. |
failureMessage | If a call fails, this shows the failure reason. |
ender | The party that ended the call. This is usually either the contact or the agent, but the call may also end in the call flow. |
endNodeName | The system name of the last node to handle the call. |
endReason | The reason why the call ended. |
startTimestamp | The time that the call was connected.Note: This is not the same as the time that the call was answered. |
timestamp | The time that the call was disconnected. |
durationMs | The total length of the call (in milliseconds), measured from the time that the call was connected (startTimestamp) to the time that the call was disconnected (timestamp). This includes the time spent waiting in the queue.durationMs = timestamp – startTimestamp. |
totalPreQueueTimeMs | The total time (in milliseconds) that the call waited to join a queue, measured the time that the call was connected to the time that the call joined a queue. This does not include either the time that the call spent in the queue or the ringing time. |
totalQueueTimeMs | The total time (in milliseconds) that the caller spent waiting in a queue. |
totalHoldTimeMs | The total time (in milliseconds) that the caller spent on hold. |
totalTalkTimeMs | The total time (in milliseconds) that the caller spent talking to an agent. This time does not include the time spent waiting in a queue. |
wrapUpTimeMs | The total time (in milliseconds) that the agent spent wrapping up the call. |
endAgentId | A user identifier for the agent who ended the call. |
endAgentName | The name of the agent who ended the call. |
endQueueId | The identifier of the final queue in which the call was held before it was handled. |
endQueueName | The name of the final queue in which the call was held before it was handled. |
initialQueueId | The first queue in which the call was held. |
callDurationPostFirstTransferMs | The total length (in milliseconds) of the call after being successfully transferred to another queue, measured from when the call joined the queue to when the call left the queue or the call ended. |
callTalkTimePostFirstTransferMs | The total time (in milliseconds) that the caller spent talking with an agent after being successfully transferred to another queue. This does not include the time spent waiting in the queue. |
firstCallTransferType | Whether the call was transferred to another agent or another queue. |
callConnected | Whether or not the caller was connected to an agent. |
callDropped | Whether or not the call was dropped. |
callQueued | Whether or not the call was queued. |
releaseCause | The reason why the call ended. |
voicemailHangup | Whether or not the caller reached the voice mailbox and hung up during the mailbox introduction announcement. |
voicemailMessage | Whether or not a voicemail recording was left by the caller. |
connectedQueuePriorityIncreased | Whether or not the caller was set to have increased priority in the queue to accelerate their call through the queue. |
resellerId | The ID of the reseller who provides the system. |
contactCalledBack | Whether or not the contact was called back by the agent. |
rescheduleCount | The number of times that a callback for the call was rescheduled. |
numberType | The type of number. For example “International”. |
callDestinations | All of the destination numbers that were tried when outdialling to multiple numbers, regardless of whether or not a connection was made to them. The individual destination numbers are each separated by a comma. If an outdial was unsuccessful, the failure reason is shown after the destination number. |
answerTimeMs | The number of milliseconds measured from the time that the call was connected (callStartTimestamp) to the time registered by the Inbound Call node, when the arrival of the call triggered the call flow to run (answerTimestamp).answerTimeMs = answerTimestamp – callStartTimestamp. |
transferTargetId | Identifies the queue or user (agent/supervisor) to which the call was transferred. |
initialAgentName | The name of the agent who first handled the call. |
answerTimestamp | The time registered by the Inbound Call node, when the arrival of the call triggered the call flow to run.Note: This is not the time when the call is answered. |
bPartyAnswerTimestamp | The time that the called party answered the call. |
agentId | A user identifier for the agent who handled the call. |
agentName | The name of the agent who handled the call. |
agentNumber | The number of the agent who handled the call. |
agentUsername | The user name of the agent who handled the call. |
contactNumber | The number of the contact. |
totalConnectTimeMs | The total time (in milliseconds) that the caller spent connected to an agent. This does not include the time spent waiting in the queue. |
targetAgentId | The agent to whom the call is given. |
callFailure | Whether or not the call failed. If the call failed, this is set to true. |
failureNodeName | The system name of the node that failed the call, as configured in Flow Editor. |
failureTimestamp | The time that the call failed. |