This user guide describes how to use the Flow Editor to create and edit your own omnichannel services. In the Flow Editor, you define the flow of logic in a service via a flow diagram called a routing flow. The routing flow is stored and run on an Execution Engine in your Contact system. The unit uses the logic contained within the routing flow to decide what to do with each and every communication that enters the Contact system.
The information below has been taken from a recent Introduction to Call Flows Webinar which aims to give users a step by step walk-through of how to build a working, customisable call flow.
Part 1: #
Starting with pre-configured groups, this video demonstrates the key features of a basic call flow and the limitations this could present.
Part 2: #
The next stage in building a working call flow is configuring callback and callback slots for your callers. This video focuses on the positives and negatives of callbacks as well as how to correctly apply this function to your call flow.
Part 3: #
Following on from Callbacks, an important feature to add to your call flow, if applicable, is Voicemail. In this video we look at adding a Voice Mailbox node to the call flow and how to correctly configure it.
Part 4: #
The next stage in building your call flow is to add Number Lists. This feature allows branching based on a list of destination number prefixes, enabling specific outbound numbers to be blacklisted (blocked) or whitelisted (allowed).
Find out more about managing number lists.
Part 5: #
A vital component when building a call flow is creating schedules for your business. In this video we look at how to configure Time Ranges which can be used to route calls to fit around when staff are available to handle calls.
Find out more about Managing time ranges.
Part 6: #
An important feautre to add to call flows is Global Variables. This might be used, for example, to play a message or forward calls to a different number if the call centre is offline for some reason, after a company administrator has phoned the system to enable or disable the variable.
Find out more about Global Variables.