This procedure describes how to create instances of nodes in the routing flow.
Procedure #
Step 1:
The Node Types pane on the left shows the node types that are available for use in the routing flow.If the node types required for the routing flow are not all displayed, you need to add them from the node-type library:
a. Click the Node type library icon.
The Node Type Library dialog is displayed.
b. Select the node types to use in the routing flow.
c. Click OK.
Step 2:
Drag each node that you want to use onto the routing flow background.
You generally place nodes from left to right on the routing flow background.
Step 3:
When multiple instances of a node are placed in the routing flow, by default, each is assigned a unique name, for example, “Join Queue 1”, “Join Queue 2”, and so on.
Step 4:
To edit a node name to suit your routing flow design, click the name to display the Parameters pane for the node. Enter a new, unique name in the Node Name field.
Note: The text for node names does not in any way affect how the node functions—it is purely for your information.
Note: If you place a node that you did not mean to place, remove it by right-clicking on the node and selecting Delete Node. Alternatively, click the node to select it and press the Delete key.
Note: When there are no further actions to take after exiting a particular node, connect the branch to a node that marks the end of a routing flow, such as an End Call node.