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Managing outbound campaigns

Campaigns allow you to set up and run outbound call campaigns. Administrators can edit existing campaigns, and delete or copy a campaign.

Edit a campaign

  1. Click Call Handling > Campaigns on the menu bar
  2. Select the relevant campaign
  3. Make the relevant changes
  4. Click Save Changes
  5. The campaign will be updated

Delete a campaign

You can only delete campaigns that you own and are not in use.

  1. Click Call Handling > Campaigns on the menu bar
  2. Select the relevant campaign
  3. Click Delete
  4. Click Delete again to confirm
  5. The campaign will be deleted

Copy a campaign

Copying a campaign allows you to duplicate a campaign and make changes helping to save you time.

  1. Click Call Handling > Campaigns on the menu bar
  2. Select the relevant campaign
  3. Click Copy
  4. Enter the name of the copy (up to 100 characters)
  5. Click Ok
  6. The campaign will be copied