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Looking up a customer’s contact record

Company administrators can look up a customer’s contact record. This can be used for placing an outbound call, sending an email or searching for customer details.

When a call or an email is received, the CRM attempts to match the customer to a contact record (by using the caller’s CLI or sender’s email address to identify them) and displays the record on the agent’s screen. You can view and edit the details that are displayed to agents.

View a customer contact record

  1. Click Customers > CRM on the menu bar and a list of the customer records that are currently stored in the CRM is displayed.
  2. To refine the data that is displayed, select (tick) or deselect (untick) the items to display from the dropdown menu at the top of the Contact List. By default, all items are ticked.
  3. To look up a customer record, you can search on a specific criterion, such as the customer’s account number. See Searching a list.
Note: You can search on multiple criteria, for example, a contact name and a customer account number. If the search shows no record for the customer, you can create a record. See Creating a new contact record.


Customer Details
  • Name: The name of the customer.
  • Customer Number: The customer’s account number.
Customer Information
  • Phone: The customer’s landline number.
  • Mobile: The customer’s mobile number.
  • Email: The customer’s email address.
  • Address: The customer’s contact address.
  • Social Media: The customer’s social media address.