New Features
Web Chat
Webchat Transcripts
In this release, we will be introducing a NEW webchat transcription archive & search feature. Customers that today use the Horizon Business Call recorder to store recording of voice calls, will now also be able to store transcripts of Webchats.
Once a webchat is completed, HC will automatically post a full transcript of the conversation into the business call recording portal. Users with access to the business call recording portal, will then have access to search and view webchat conversations.
To activate this feature, you must ensure that agent level recording is turned on – this is done under the user setting > Recording.

Once activated, chat recordings will start to flow into the business call recording platform.
When a recording portal user logs into the search and replay portal, they will be greeted with a new option – Chat Recordings.

Once in the chat recording’s view, you will see the most recent chats that have been handled by Contact.
We have added some additional columns of data such as:
- Tags: the agent can report an Abusive chat
- Classifications: so that you can search for a certain type of chat conversation ie: “complaint” or “sale made”
- Contact name: if the agent associated the chat interaction to a contact within the CRM, this would display here.
The Search functionality, has also been enhanced to help customers find chats to review.

To view the actual transcript, click the Eye icon
Note: Call recordings will follow the same retention policy as call recordings you have purchased

The search capability has also been enhanced to allow users to refine search criteria to uncover specific conversations. As part of this enhancement, we have added a “chat text” search. This is a free text box that will search for matches of the text within all the available chats. This can be useful to search for key words such as “complain” or “manager” when looking for chats that may not have had a positive outcome. In the example below, we have searched the word “CRM” and the platform has pulled back a result of one webchat where this word is present.

Find out more about Webchat within the Administrator Knowledge Base.
Search by CLI
Within the Calls report, we have now added the capability to search for an individual call based on the CLI (caller line id) that called in or was called. This is designed to help speed up searching for individual calls when doing a deep dive investigation into a specific customer experience. To search for a call to or from a specific CLI, you will now find the new option under the filters section of the report builder.

Find out more about Reporting within the Administrator Knowledge Base.