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Creating and managing an email queue

Company administrators can define, edit and delete email queues. An email is queued if no agents from the assigned agent group are available to take incoming emails.

Create and add an email queue:

  1. Click Email > Email Queues on the menu bar to see a list of the email queues that are currently defined
  2. Click Add and the New Email Queue page is displayed
  3. (Mandatory) Enter the Name of the email queue (up to 100 characters)
  4. Enter a brief Description for the email queue (up to 250 characters)
    • I.e. The department for which emails are put in this email queue
  5. (Mandatory) Expand the Groups dropdown list and select the agent (skill) group(s) for which outstanding emails are assigned to this email queue.
    • For example, emails for a particular team might be queued here.
  6. Expand the Classification List dropdown list and select the classifications that may be applied to emails that are assigned to this email queue.
  7. To enable agents to add extra information about the classification they select for an email, tick the Enable 2nd Free Text Classification Code checkbox. The agent can enter alphanumeric text up to 100 characters. By default, this checkbox is unticked (disabled).
  8. Click Add.
  9. Define any additional parameters for this email queue, as required, by clicking the appropriate tab. For each email queue, you can configure:

Edit an email queue

  1. Click Email > Email Queues on the menu bar to see a list of the email queues that are currently defined
  2. Select the appropriate queue
  3. Click the appropriate tab and reconfigure the parameters as appropriate
  4. Click Save Changes

Copy an email queue

Company administrators can copy an existing email queue, which might be useful if they want to add an email queue that is very similar to an existing one, but they want to make slight changes to it.

  1. Click Email > Email Queues on the menu bar and a list of the email queues that are already set up is displayed
  2. Select the appropriate email queue in the list
  3. Click Copy
  4. Enter the name of the copy (up to 100 characters)
  5. Click OK
  6. The queue will be copied

Delete an email queue

  1. Click Email > Email Queues on the menu bar and a list of the email queues that are already set up is displayed
  2. Select the appropriate email queue in the list
  3. Click Delete
  4. Click Yes to confirm
  5. The queue will be deleted


  • Name: The name of the email queue.
  • Description: A brief description of the email queue.
  • Groups: The agent (skill) groups for which outstanding emails are assigned to this queue if no agents from the group are available.
  • Classification List: The classifications that may be applied to emails that are assigned to this email queue.
  • Enable 2nd Free Text Classification Code: Whether or not agents will be able to add extra information about the classification they select for an email. The agent can enter alphanumeric text up to 100 characters.

Additional information

  • Company administrators must have the Email Queue Configuration: Modify privilege to create and add email queues.
  • The email channel is a licensable feature of the system.

Related concepts
Email queues