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Create an SMS queue

Administrators can create SMS queues which allow agents to select a template to apply to an outbound SMS message and to save draft SMS messages.

Before creating an SMS queue administrators need to:

  • Create SMS templates (referred to as text blocks)
  • Create agent groups – this is only required if you want to assign the queue to a specific agent group

Watch this video on how to create an SMS queue:

Create an SMS queue:

  1. Click SMS > SMS Queues on the menu bar
  2. To add a new queue click Add and the SMS Queue page will be displayed
  3. Enter the mandatory name (up to 100 characters)
    • The name must be unique within your company.
  4. Enter a brief description (up to 250 characters) if required
  5. Expand the Groups dropdown and select the agent group to assign to this SMS queue
  6. Expand the SMS Templates dropdown and select the templates that may be applied to outbound SMS messages
    • Multiple templates can be assigned but you must select at least 1
  7. Click Add
  8. The SMS Queue will be created


  • Name: The name of the SMS queue.
  • Description: A brief description of the SMS queue.
  • Groups: The agent group(s) assigned to this SMS queue.
  • SMS Templates: The pre-defined blocks of response text that may be applied to outbound SMS messages from this queue. Multiple templates can be assigned per SMS queue.